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October 30, 2003

Life signals.

Here we are, 1 wedding, 3500 miles, 6 states, 8 national parks, 12 motels, 2 cabins and 868 pictures later.
So much beauty, still tingling overloaded optical nerves.
After the as-perfect-as-they-come w-day we crossed the ocean to explore the south-western corner of the United States, rings proudly shining on our fingers.
San Francisco, Cambria, Las Vegas, Springdale, Escalante, Moab, Durango, Taos, Santa Fe, Flagstaff, Lone Pine, Curry Village, Oakdale, San Francisco.
It all blurs into sequences of wide-open, earth-toned spaces, sierras coated in green and gold, blacktop stretched tight across horizons.
Laughs, hikes, slurred notes from car windows, under star-studded skies in pitch-black darkness.
Dancing with Valeria, nothing but us and the desert.

On the road, half-way between horizons.

We made it back in one (tired) piece after long, peaceful days on the road, slept straight through the weekend, then set our minds to autopilot and faced re-entry on planet routine.
So damn hard to kick the everyday-something-new habit from one morning to the next.
We shared empty stares, both silently acknowledging the "what now, what next" feeling we both sensed prowling consciousness at the boundaries of our jet-lagged souls.
I guess it had to do with the marriage-done-and-gone thing, the gravity-induced feeling of having free-fallen all the way to ground level, after an energy-draining effort to get to the top of the roller coaster ramp.
It's back to basics now, commute to Milano, radio blabbering away incoherently, half-awake faces behind identical windows, beckoning horizons, jagged peaks calling from under early white blankets.
I stare ahead, eyes aglaze, drifting west.

Posted by fabio sergio | 2:49 PM | permalink


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